I got to go to Utah for my little brother Adam's commissioning in the Marine Corps. Mom, Dad, Marcos & Haley all went out for it as well.
Mom, Melissa and the kids got to put on A's new shoulder stuff, Mom struggled a little with her buttons!
After the ceremony, we had a great little cook out and my friend from forever came with her little boy and hubby...Julius, the baby is so sweet and such a snuggler!He even let me hold him for a little while!
This is my friend Nate's little boy!This is his sister and my nephew Garrett on the front porch and the rocking chairs. We were out there for a good hour telling all the stories that we could come up with.
This is Lettie with her "cake face"...she is so funny to watch make a mess while she eats.
After our weekend in Layton, we headed to St. George for a few days. This is part of the Shuck family that used to live here in Greensboro, but are now in Utah. It was great to catch up with them.
This is Lettie with her crazy hair in our condo.
While we were in Southern Utah, we went to Zions National Park, and while we were there we got to go on a trail ride through part of the park...this is our guide, Curtis, in the front, then Melissa and Dad.
Mom was having a great time feeling like a kid again...
Dad wanted to be in a Rodeo, on his donkey...when we got back to coral , Melissa had been leaning so far, that her saddle was crooked.
We did go on one hike up to Emerald pools, where the water comes down off a cliff into a pool of rocks and it was so pretty!
Little Lettie found a friend on a rock and insisted that we watch it until it made it to a tree.
She was cheering it on to safety.
Back at our condo, we had several swimming pools and we spent a whole lotta time there. and Ethan could have been a fish if we would have let him...
Garrett loved a float that we had and wanted to pull whom ever would get on it around the pool and I was more than happy to let him.
Our last night in St. George, we had some Mongolian BB-Q and our waitress made sure that we all ate with our sticks, including the kids!
Garrett even liked the food!
Lettie tried to use hers, but she mostly had to use her fingers.
I said that we all used them, but Damma decided that she was too good for them, but it didn't stop Damdpa from filling his cheeks.
Adam is always good for a goofy face...
I'll use any means possible to get food in my face.
When we got to Vegas we had were able to meet lots of new babies! This is my BFF Coco's little girl Baylee and she has some beautiful blue eyes and red hair!
Lettie is a full year older than Baylee and Lettie kept asking her if she needed a sippy and always had an extra one just in case!
We also took the kids to the aquarium in Mandalay Bay, this is the pic that Ethan took of the sharks teeth.
This is another one of the babies that we got to meet, his name is Mannix and he is my cousins little boy.
This is the BFF Coco that is Baylee's Mommy.
This is my cousin Darleen and I'm not sure why I didn't take a picture of her and her baby...
But here is Lettie with the back of her baby Carson's head.