Saturday, November 15, 2008

Baby false alarms and being sick...

So I have been a little mia, but it's not my fault, sort of. First, Shena & Cheeto had a couple false alarms about Sera Sera coming and so I stayed at their house with the kids, just for them to come home with no Sera Sera, and then I ended up getting sick myself and haven't worked much this week. So to entertain myself I have memorized the Twilight soundtrack and re-read Breaking Dawn. My Mom also got our tickets to see the Twilight Movie next Friday...think I am a little obsessed! :) So, I will hopefully feel better this coming week, and then have something to post about. BTW I love the Twilight Series!


The R Crew said...

Lettie! I'm so excited I found your blog (through Ali btw.) I just finished reading the Twilight series (for the first time) last night! I read all four in a week, it was a little all consuming and enjoyable. A group of friends (15 or so) are going to the midnight showing of Twilight this Thursday! I understand completely what you're saying. Which book is your favorite? Did you like the ending? It was good to find you, let keep in touch!

Amanda said...

I bought the sound track last week. I really like it!