Monday, September 29, 2008


I think that I love weekends for too many reasons to list, but a couple of the greats are: I get to sleep as long as I want (unless Bofo decides other wise), I love the fact that once Kris starts cleaning it doesn't stop until all is done (except folding laundry) and I got to go to Costco all by myself (thank you Marcos!) I officially have my very own card and I am excited to say the least! Although, I am sure that Mom & Shena were almost as excited since they are usually the ones stuck with getting things for me, and they actually had me get them something this time! I was also oh so very excited that Extreme Makeover Home Edition was new this week! What more could a girl ask for!


Misty Smart said...

LETTIE_ I love you!! GO to ACE"S wedding and we can party down like old times- I am so glad you got a blog!!

Misty Smart said...

ACE is marrying young spry college graduate. THey are getting married on nov 8th in where else MENAN freakin IDAHO!!! we are going to go from about the 3rd or 4th to the 9th or 10th. Be ready to hang out...

Shena said...

i'm so proud you made a post! Keep posting girl! come over sometime and I'll show you some fun blog stuff! Loves ya!